Xhorse Mini Key Tool

Original price was: £210.00.Current price is: £150.00.

The Xhorse Mini Key Tool is a new generation of transponder programmer which has been developed specifically for auto locksmiths. With the Xhorse Mini Key Tool, in conjunction with your mobile phone, you will be able to generate a remote and clone or prepare a transponder all through a handy app that also works with the Dolphin key machine (XHM7). The Mini Key Tool is available in 3 colours, however please note that these will be sold at random as this is how we will receive them from the manufacturer.

The Xhorse Mini Key Tool features:

  • Free device updates
  • Clone offline ID46, ID11, 12, 13, 30, 32, 33, 42, 46, 4D, 4C
  • Online cloning of Toyota 72-G, Hyundai/Kia 70 80 bit, ID48 (requires additional payable add-on XHS6)
  • Generate transponders
  • Edit transponders
  • Generate new remotes using VVDI remotes